Water Birth
Lake City Birth offers water birth in the comfort of your own home. Babies born in the water tend to seem at peace after a gentle birth into the water. There are many benefits to water birth.
These include, but are not limited to:
- Increased relaxation and reduced tension
- Reduced discomfort with uterine contractions
- Reduction in blood pressure
- More feelings of control and autonomy for laboring mother
- Less stress on muscles and ligaments allowing for an easier descent of the baby
- Hydration of tissues, increasing elasticity and reducing tears
- Easy transition for baby resulting in less stress, less crying after birth

When thinking about water birth, think about how comforting it is to just submerge yourself in water after a long day. It feels amazing, right? Your midwife is well experienced in water birth and can answer any questions you have regarding having your baby in the water. If you don’t have a tub you feel would work for having a water birth, you can purchase the water birth kit for your labor before you are due. The Oasis birth pool is the birth pool that comes with the kit. More information is available at waterbirth.org if you are interested in learning more and watching videos about waterbirth.